Health Benefits of Thai Massage
Traditional Thai massage has been used in Thailand for more than 2,500 years for muscle relaxation and healing.
More recently, the numerous health benefits of traditional Thai massage has been rediscovered to counter an increasing reliance on treatments using chemical drugs.
So, what are the benefits from traditional Thai massage that may be experienced?
Total Relaxation
By relieving the blocked energy lines with rhythmic hand maneuvers and stretching, you can achieve total relaxation of your body. This can result in you having a better state of mind and well-being. Relief from emotional stress and improved sleeping patterns is also often reported. One of the contributing factors to this seems to be a reduction in the “stress hormone” cortisol and an increase in the “happy hormone” serotonin.
The stretching maneuvers will help to maximize your range of motion and flexibility in your limbs. During the yoga-like stretches your muscles and nerves are stimulated to their maximum straining point relieving stiffness. This form of release is said to increase the person’s vital reflexes providing better balance and work performance. Having good joint flexibility can reduce the severity of pain if you suffer from arthritis.
Toning down
The repeated slow and gradual hand techniques will reduce pacing of your biorhythm while relaxing. Your muscles are relaxed which helps to promote better circulation around your body. This can help bring your blood pressure down to its relaxed state. If you suffer from high blood pressure, regular Traditional Thai massages can help to stabilize it.
Beneficial circulation
With the promotion of better circulation and lymph flow through the general relaxation of your muscles, your circulation can deliver an important energy boost to where it is needed throughout your body. Traditional Thai massage is reported to be beneficial in type 2 Diabetes by helping to normalize sugar levels. The continuous flow of lymph in your body promotes detoxification and better immunity.
Brain Circulation
By exercising pressure points to the Sen Lines around your head, better circulation to the brain is encouraged. With the increased performance of the circulation in your brain, an improvement in clarity of your thoughts is reported along with preventing migraines and vascular headaches. Good brain circulation is said to prevent the formation of blood clots which can cause strokes.
Better Athletic Performance
Traditional Thai massage tones your muscle groups systematically and stretches your joints to their full range of motion, which improves your athletic performance. In addition, the improvement of chest muscle positioning is said to promote better respiration during aerobic events. With the improved circulation throughout it is also easier for your muscles to rid themselves of the lactic acid which builds up during heavy exercise, the result being that you can maintain the intensity of activities for longer.
Pain Relief
Many conditions and injuries involving your body’s muscles and joints benefit from regular massage. With the relaxation of muscles and the improved circulation short term pain relief is very common with people reporting a significant reduction in pain following a massage, however, longer term pain relief is not so common. Because of this it is recommended to include regular massage as part of your pain management plan.